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Iwan Azis
Cornell University

Iwan J. Azis is a visiting professor at Johnson Graduate School of Management and the field of Regional Science at Cornell University, and is professor of economics at the University of Indonesia. He is also a regular visiting scholar at the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo. He has addressed topics such as modeling macro-micro linkages, macroeconomic forecasting, and conflict resolution and decision making problems. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Indonesia, and holds a M.S. and Ph.D. degree from Cornell University (1982). During 1984-1993 he served as Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Indonesia, and Director, the World Bank-funded Inter-University Center. He is an economic forecaster in the LINK world econometric group and in the PEO (Pacific Economic Outlook) group.

In 1986, he taught at an institute under MITI, Japan, and has been visiting and adjunct professor at Cornell since 1992. He is a council member of East Asian Economic Association (EAEA), and an editor of two international journals. He has published several articles and books, co-authored three books.

He is currently coordinating 5 research projects and working on topics such as �Globalization, Growth and Distribution.� (for the Ford Foundation), �Modeling the Link Between Firm-level Behavior and Macroeconomic Vulnerability,� (for ADB-I), �The Nexus Between Economics and the Environment� (for the Institute for Advanced Studies, UNU), �Modeling the Impacts of Financial Crisis on Socio-Economic Conditions� (for the World Bank and IFPRI), �Evaluating IMF Policies in the East Asian Crisis� (for ADB-I). He is also presently a research collaborator on �Modeling the Impact of Financial Crisis on Socio-economic Conditions� (for IFPRI and the World Bank).

Isabella Bakker
York University

Isabella Bakker is an Associate Professor of Political Science, York University, Toronto, Canada.  She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the New School for Social Research in New York, and a B.A. in Political Science from Carleton University, Canada.  She has been a visiting Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy; the Free University in Berlin, Germany and a visiting Professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey.  Her published work includes The Strategic Silence:  Gender and Economic Policy (1994), Rethinking Restructuring:  Gender and Change in Canada (1996), and numerous other works on gender and restructuring, fiscal policy and the political economy of state finance, the changing role of government, and globalisation.

Professor Bakker is working with the United Nations on a project to mainstream gender through the United Nation�s budgets, and is a Consultant to the OECD/DAC Informal Network on Poverty.  She contributed to the 1999 Human Development Report (on globalisation and its impact on human development) and is Senior Consultant to, and an author of, the UN/UNIFEM report on The Progress of the World's Women (2000).  Dr. Bakker is also currently an Executive Member of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE).

Bakker has been involved in a variety of consultation projects with such diverse organizations as the North-South Institute, the Canadian International Development Agency, Status of Women Canada, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (Canada), APEC, and the Commonwealth Secretariat in London.  She has served on a number of federal and provincial commissions in Canada, including the Commission of Inquiry on Equality in Employment (Abella Commission) in 1984, the Ontario Fair Tax Commission in 1992, and recently as co-chair of the Macroeconomics Committee of the Alternative Federal Budget.

Solon Barraclough

Savitri Bisnath
Cornell University

Savitri Bisnath is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University.  Her current research focuses on the World Trade Organization and the macro-meso-micro effects of the General Agreement on Trade in Services.  She is co-editor, with Lourdes Beneria, of the Gender and Development Reader Vols. I & II  (Edward Elgar, 2001), and co-author of "Women's Empowerment Revisited" with Diane Elson (UNIFEM, 1999).  Her article, �Poverty and Gender:  An Analysis for Action,� written with Lourdes Beneria, appears in The Globalization Reader (F. J. Lechner and J. Boli editors, Blackwell, 1999).  Bisnath has been involved in a variety of consultation projects with the United Nations Development Programme, UNIFEM, and several philanthropic organisations and NGOs.  She holds a Masters in Regional Planning from Cornell University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.  She was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago.

Nilüfer Çagatay
University of Utah

Nilufer Cagatay was born and raised in Turkey.  She received her BA in Economics and Political Science from Yale University and her MA and Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University.  Currently, she is an Associate Professor of Economics and a faculty member of the Middle East Studies and Women�s Studies Programs at the University of Utah.  She teaches courses on international, feminist economics and development economics.  Her research has focused on gender and development, international trade theories, and on engendering macroeconomics and international trade theories and policies.  Together with Diane Elson and Caren Grown, she is the editor of the November 1995 special issue of World Development on Gender, Adjustment and Macroeconomics and the July 2000 special issue of World Development on Growth, Trade, Finance and Gender Inequalities.  Between 1997-2000 she worked as Economic Adviser at UNDP�s Social Development and Poverty Elimination Division.

Diane Elson
University of Essex

Diane Elson is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex, UK.  She has written numerous books and articles on gender, globalisation and development.  Her most recent publications are a report for the United Nations Development Fund for Women, Progress of the World's Women (2000), and a co-edited special issue of the journal World Development on Growth, Trade, Finance and Gender Inequality (July 2000).  She has served as advisor to numerous governmental and inter-governmental bodies, including the governments of the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK; and UNIFEM, UNDP, the ILO and FAO.  She is currently advising UNIFEM and the Commonwealth Secretariat on a programme of support to Gender Budget Initiatives in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  She also works with NGOs, and is a member of the UK Women's Budget Group and the international network, Women in Informal Employment Globalising and Organising (WIEGO).

Marzia Fontana
Institute of Development Studies

Since 1998 Marzia Fontana has been working as a Graduate Associate at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex, UK.  She is conducting research on the gender effects of trade liberalisation in developing countries.  Prior to that, Ms. Fontana was an ODI fellow at the Reserve Bank, in Fiji.  She has a B.A. in Economics and Politics from the University of Firenze, Italy, and a MPhil in Development Studies from IDS, where she is also completing her Ph.D.

Stephen Gill
York University

Dr. Stephen Gill is Professor of Political Science at York University, Toronto, Canada, specialising in international political economy and international relations.  He has been a visiting Professor at several universities including Warwick, UCLA, University of Tokyo, and Meiji Gakuin University; and held the Fellowship in Political Economy, University of Manchester, the La Trobe Senior Fellowship in Global Governance, Melbourne, and the Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo.  His is also a Senior Associate Member of St. Anthony�s College, Oxford University, UK.

Stephen Gill�s published work includes over 60 articles and chapters in edited collections and the following books:  The Global Political Economy (with David Law, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988); Atlantic Relations:  Beyond the Reagan Era (Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1989); American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission (Cambridge University Press, 1991); Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 1993); Restructuring Global Politics (Asahi Shimbun Sha, 1996, in Japanese, translated by Seiji Endo); Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism (United Nations University Press & Macmillan, 1997); Innovation and Transformation in International Studies, (co-editor with James Mittelman, Cambridge University Press, 1997).  He is now completing a new book The Constitution of Global Capitalism, from which some of his paper for the conference will be drawn.

Barbara Harriss-White
Oxford University

Barbara Harriss-White is Professor of Development Studies at Oxford University, UK, and was the Founder and Director of Oxford's MPhil in Development Studies.  She is also a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford.

Trained in agricultural science and development economics, Dr. Harriss-White is committed to the interdisciplinary study of development in the field and has spent a total of six out of the last 30 years carrying out first hand fieldwork, involving the business histories of over 2,000 traders, moneylenders and (agro) industrialists, as well as hundreds of interviews with local policy makers and implementers in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.  She has also worked more briefly in Francophone West Africa.

Her interests are in the transformation of the economy (especially the informal economy and the food economy); markets and their political and social regulation; and social welfare (especially gender issues, nutrition, social security and disability).

Dr. Harriss-White sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Development Studies, Oxford Development Studies, the Journal of Agrarian Change, and other academic journals.  She is a Trustee of ActionAid, and the author, co-author and/or editor of 25 books and monographs.  Dr. Harriss-White has published 145 academic papers/chapters.

Naila Kabeer
Institute of Development Studies

Naila Kabeer is a Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK.  She has worked extensively on issues related to gender, poverty, household economics and population.  She is the author of Reversed Realities:  Gender hierarchies in development thought published by Verso, 1994.  Her recent book, The power to choose:  Bangladeshi women and labour market decisions in London and Dhaka, also published by Verso, asks how the voices of women workers in different contexts might influence thinking on global labour standards.

Ravi Kanbur
Cornell University

Ravi Kanbur is T. H. Lee Professor of World Affairs and Professor of Economics at Cornell University.  He holds a joint appointment between the Department of Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the Department of Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences.  Dr. Kanbur holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Cambridge and a doctorate in economics from the University of Oxford.

From 1989 to 1997 Professor Kanbur was on the staff of the World Bank, serving successively as Economic Adviser, Senior Economic Adviser, Resident Representative in Ghana, Chief Economist of the African Region of the World Bank, and Principal Adviser to the Chief Economist of the World Bank.  Prior to joining the Bank, he was Professor of Economics and Director of the Development Economics Research Centre at the University of Warwick, UK, having previously taught at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Essex, and Princeton.

Professor Kanbur�s main areas of interest are public, development, and agricultural economics.  His work spans conceptual, empirical, and policy analyses.  He is particularly interested in bridging the worlds of rigorous analysis and practical policy making.  Dr. Kanbur�s vita lists over 75 publications, covering topics such as risk taking, inequality, poverty, structural adjustment, debt, agriculture, and political economy.

The honors he has received include the Quality of Research Discovery Award of the American Agricultural Economics Association, and an Honorary Professorship at the University of Warwick.

Martin Khor
Third World Network

Martin Khor is the Director of the Third World Network; a network of several NGOs in different parts of the developing world.  He is an economist trained at Cambridge University, UK and has lectured on economics and development at the Science University, Malaysia.  He is the author of many books and articles on development and environment issues.

He is also the Secretary of the Consumers' Association of Penang in Malaysia, a Board Member of the International Forum on Globalisation, and was formerly a Vice Chairman of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Expert Group on the Right to Development.  He is also a consultant in several research studies under the United Nations.

Philip McMichael
Cornell University

Philip McMichael is Professor and Chair of Rural & Development Sociology at Cornell University.  His books include Development and Social Change:  A Global Perspective, and The Global Restructuring of Agro-Food Systems.
Dr. McMichael is currently President of the Research Committee on Agriculture and Food of the International Sociological Association.

Huda Nura Mustafa
Cornell University

Huda Nura Mustafa is an Anthropologist interested in gender, transnational processes and urban cultural production, especially in Africa.  Her manuscript, Practicing Beauty:  Crisis, Value and the Challenge of Self-mastery in Dakar, 1980-1998, examines Senegalese garment production and fashion during the 1990s socioeconomic crisis.  A future project will investigate the transitional formation of markets, audiences and art criticism for contemporary African art.  These projects bridge political economic and cultural studies perspectives on transnationalism, postcolonial conditions and gender relations.  Dr. Mustafa obtained her doctorate in Social Anthropology from Harvard University.

Martha Nussbaum
University of Chicago

Martha Nussbaum is the Ernst Freund Professor of Law and Ethics, with appointments in the Philosophy Department,
the Law School, and the Divinity School.  She is an Associate of the Classics Department, a member of the Board of the Center for Gender Studies, and an Affiliate of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies.  She has a M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University.  Dr. Nussbaum is a philosopher whose work has focused on ancient Greek philosophy, contemporary moral and political philosophy, and the connections between philosophy and literature.  Her books are Aristotle's "De Motu Animalium"; The Fragility of Goodness; Love's Knowledge; The Therapy of Desire; Poetic Justice:  The LiteraryImagination and Public Life; Cultivating Humanity:  A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education; Sexand Social Justice; and Women and Human Development:  The Capabilities Approach.  Among her edited volumes are Quality of Life (with Amartya Sen) and Women, Culture and Development (with Jonathan Glover).

Suman Sahai
the Gene Campaign

Suman Sahai has a Ph.D. in Genetics from IARI, New Delhi, India; and over 25 years of research and teaching experience in the Universities of Edmonton, Canada; Chicago, USA; and Heidelberg, Germany.  She did her Habilitation in Human Genetics at the University of Heidelberg.  Dr. Sahai has published 38 scientific papers, 42 policy papers, and over 120 popular articles.  She is a Scientist and an Activist.  Since 1992 she has been the President of the Gene Campaign, a grassroots level research and advocacy group in India.

The Gene Campaign works on policy issues related to biological resources and biotechnology.  Dr. Sahai is a member of several national policy forums on Environment, Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights as well as Education, Health and Rural Development.  She is a Member of the National Biodiversity Board and the Madhya Pradesh State Biodiversity Board in India.  She also serves on the Research Advisory Committees of national scientific institutions, the Senates of two universities, and the Ethics Commission.

Saskia Sassen
University of Chicago

Saskia Sassen is the Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, and Centennial Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics.  Her most recent books are Guests and Aliens (New York:  New Press 1999) and Globalization and its Discontents (New York:  New Press 1998).  The Global City is coming out in a new updated edition in 2001.  Dr. Sassen�s edited book, Cities and their cross-border networks, will appear in 2001 with Routledge.  Her books have been translated into ten languages.  Professor Sassen is co-director of the Economy Section of the Global Chicago Project, and the chair of the newly formed Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security Committee of the Social Science Research Council.

Edward Soja
University of California, Los Angeles

Edward W. Soja is a Professor in the Regional and International Development (RID) area of Urban Planning.  His courses are in the areas of urban political economy and planning theory.  After starting his academic career as a specialist on Africa, Dr. Soja has focused his research and writing - over the past 20 years - on urban restructuring in Los Angeles, and more broadly on the critical study of cities and regions.   His wide-ranging studies of Los Angeles bring together traditional political economy approaches and recent trends in critical cultural studies.  Of particular interest to him is the way issues of class, race, gender, and sexuality intersect with what he calls the spatiality of social life, and with the new cultural politics of difference and identity that this generates.

In addition to his work on urban restructuring in Los Angeles, Dr. Soja continues to write on how social scientists and philosophers think about space and geography, especially in relation to how they think about time and history.  His latest book brings these various research strands together in a comprehensive look at the geohistory of cities, from their earliest origins to the more recent development of what he calls the "postmetropolis."  His policy interests are primarily involved with questions of regional development, planning and governance, and with the local effects of ethnic and cultural diversity in Los Angeles.  His publications include, Postmetropolis:  Critical Studies of Cities and Regions  (Basil Blackwell, 2000), Thirdspace:  Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places (Basil Blackwell, 1996), The City:  Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century (University of California Press, 1996) with A.J. Scott, and Postmodern Geographies:  The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory (Verso Press, 1989).

Guy Standing
International Labour Organisation

Guy Standing is director of the Socio-Economic Security Programme of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).  In 1998-99 he was in the �transition team� assisting the ILO�s new Director General in preparing the restructuring of the ILO.
Dr. Standing was previously director of the ILO�s Labour Market Policies Branch, and director of the ILO�s Central and Eastern European team, based in Budapest.  He is chairman of the Basic Income European Network (BIEN).

Standing has a doctorate in economics from the University of Cambridge and a Master�s degree in industrial relations.  He has written and/or edited several books on labour economics, labour market policy, unemployment, labour market flexibility, and structural adjustment and social protection policies.  Recent books include Restructuring the Labour Market:  The South African Challenge (with J. Sender and J. Weeks) and Russian Unemployment and Enterprise Restructuring:  Reviving Dead Souls (1996). Recent articles include �The Folly of Social Safety Nets�, Social Research, 1998; �Global feminisation through flexible labour: A theme revisited�, World Development, 1999, and �Brave new words?  A critique of a World Bank rethink�, Development and Change, September 2000.

Dr. Standing is on the editorial boards of several academic journals.  He was a member of Bruno Kreisky�s Commission on European Employment and has worked with many governments and international bodies, including UNDP, the World Bank, ICFTU, the European Commission, and the UN Commission on Human Rights.  Standing was economic adviser in the Prime Minister�s Department in Malaysia in the 1980s, and has worked with various other Governments around the world.  He was on the Advisory Committee to the Russian Federal Employment Service, research director for the Presidential Labour Market Commission of South Africa (1994-96), and economic adviser to the South African Minister of Labour.  Dr. Standing's latest book is Global Labour Flexibility:  Seeking Distributive Justice(Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1999).

Irene Tinker

Dr. Irene Tinker has focused much of her career on the differential impact of development on women and men.  An activist as well as a scholar, she has lobbied for policy change and encouraged collaborative research with scholars abroad.  Such an approach is examined in Street Foods:  Urban Food and Employment in Developing Countries (Oxford, 1997).  The outcome of the original studies was to recommend ways to improve the income of vendors and/or the safety of the food they sold.  Tinker later returned to the countries to evaluate the long term impact of recommended interventions.  The studies, her analysis, and selected street food recipes are included in her book.

Women's Rights to House and Land:  China, Laos, Vietnam (Lynne Rienner, 1999), edited with Gale Summerfield, is also a result of collaboration with women in those countries.  Women's access to power through political activity brings together her earlier research on democracy with community organizing.  To study India�s first general elections for her dissertation, Tinker drove from London to New Delhi, then returned by car through Africa.  Since then she has conducted research in 53 countries and lectured in 36.

Eduardo Vasconcellos
Brazilian Public Transportation Association

Dr. Eduardo Vasconcellos is a civil engineer (1974) and a sociologist (1983).  He obtained his Master and Doctoral degrees in Political Science (Public Policy in Transport) at the University of São Paulo, Brazil (1988 and 1993) and conducted his post-doctoral research at Cornell University, in the Department of City and Regional Planning, from 1993 to 1995.  He has been working since 1975 as a transport planner for several public and private transportation organizations in Brazil.
Dr. Vasconellos is currently Associate Director of ANTP, the Brazilian National Public Transportation Association - and Consultant for the São Paulo Subway Company on studies on mobility and accessibility in the metropolitan area.  He has published several papers on urban transport in Brazilian and international journals.  Dr. Vasconellos also has four books on the issue.

Howard M. Wachtel
American University

A Professor of Economics at American University, Dr. Howard M. Wachtel writes about globalization in the world economy, international money, labor, the American economy, and economic transformation in the planned economies of East-Central Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the Third World.  In 1999-2000 he was a Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the American Academy in Berlin, Visiting Scholar in the Public Policy Program at Tel Aviv University, and Academic Visitor at the Truman Institute of Hebrew University.

He is the author of three books:  The Money Mandarins:  The Making of a New Supranational Economic Order (Pantheon Books, 1986); Labor and the Economy (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, third edition, 1992); and Workers' Management and Workers' Wages in Yugoslavia (Cornell University Press, 1973).  He has published two monographs as a Fellow of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam: The New Gnomes. Multinational Banks in the Third World (1977) and The Politics of International Money (1987).  He is presently working on a 200-year history of Wall Street, The Street:  1792-1992.

Dr. Wachtel has published more than 60 articles for such leading academic journals as the American Economic Review, Review of International Political Economy, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Theory and Society.  He has written for the Nation, the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, Le Monde Diplomatique, the Guardian (London) and Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin).  He has testified on economic concentration before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and written a report on inflation and unemployment for the Joint Economic Committee of the Congress.

Professor Wachtel has lectured widely in the United States and abroad, including Harvard University, Cornell University, University of California at Berkeley and Riverside, Smith College, Central European University (Budapest), the Institute for Social Studies (the Hague), Copenhagen Business School, and Free University (Berlin).  He was also an Academic Visitor at the London School of Economics and Cambridge University, and the Gould Visiting Scholar at the American University of Paris.  Professor Wachtel received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

Marc Williams
Oxford University

Marc Williams is professor of International Relations, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.  Dr. Williams has written extensively on international political economy, international organisations, and global environmental politics.  His most recent book (co-authored) is Contesting Global Governance:  Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements (2000).  Dr. Williams is currently Senior Associate Member, St Antony�s College, University of Oxford (until June 2001).