A selection of papers given at the conference have been published by
under the title:
"Global Tensions - Challenges and Opportunities in the World Economy" |
Preliminary versions of the following papers are available online:
Barbara Harriss-White
Oxford University
Male Relations
of Patriarchy and Paradoxes of Development in India
Ravi Kanbur
Cornell University
International Public
Goods and Global Governance
Martin Khor
Third World Network
North-South Tensions
at the WTO: Why and What Next?
Martha Nussbaum
University of Chicago
Women's Capabilities
and Social Justice
Suman Sahai
the Gene Campaign
Saskia Sassen
University of Chicago
Globalisation and the
Geography of Centrality
Edward Soja
University of California, Los Angeles
Urban Tensions:
Globalisation, Industrial Restructuring,
and the Postmetropolitan
Guy Standing
International Labour Organisation
Global Insecurity:
Restructuring Social Income
Eduardo Vasconcellos
Brazilian Public Transportation Association
Urban Transport
and Structural Tensions in Developing Countries
Marc Williams
Oxford University